Saturday, August 7, 2021

MOTIVATIONAL TONIC: The Winning Mentality by Omoruyi Uwuigiaren


Attitude is Eveerything

Life is tough. Staying relevant requires a lot of sacrifice. Nobody conquers the world alone. You are expected to fit into a system before you can considerably effect any change. If you don’t fit in nicely, there are chances that you may never make it. A winner is the fellow that carefully engages every necessary tool at his disposal to achieve extra ordinary things. A star is born only when he does what is right and not what he likes.

Giving everything you have got in order to win, also in the face of adversity is the winning mentality. You will need to be in the right frame of mind to get the best out of life. Build yourself. Live like every day is a final. It is at this threshold that a champion is born. Released into the world to stand in the gap, hold its own and make the crooked ways straight. Not doing enough, will not give you enough of the things that you desire. This is way you must operate from the position of strength.

Winning Mentality by Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

In reality, there is something much basic to winning—something that accounts for consistent success. It is to have enough self-belief in your abilities to know you can achieve what it is you are setting out to do.  

Don’t take a slow start for tragedy. Stay focused. The show of strength and self-belief are contagious. Once they part of your daily routine, you are surely headed for the very top.

There is power in having a winning mentality because it easily produces dominance. Operating at this level, will make you conquer all frontiers. You are expected to be consistent even when it hurts, take initiative, give your best effort, persevere and be the rallying point. Stick out your neck and lead.

Nobody achieves much at the bottom. When a war is won, people easily remember the name of the leader. Not much is said about the foot soldiers. They are exactly what their name implies—they are at the bottom of everything. It is possible they fought the hardest. But the problem is that people easily see those at the top. You cannot blame the people. If you don’t like your position, all you need is change. Move from the bottom to the top. Then you will be treated differently. This is where your mentality comes to play. It is not easy navigating from the bottom of the ladder to the top. It takes guts. It takes everything you can imagine. Sometimes, it could cost your life.

I hate to say this but it is true. Those who participate at the rear, rarely get mentioned. So also is life. People who don’t give much, are hardly recognized. To be at the top of the food chain, you must be very attractive and at the same time tough.

Life can sometimes be cruel. It is in your hands to bend any circumstance to your favour.  You must set the conditions for success, set goals and make sure you remain motivated. If these elements are lacking, you are going to struggle. It is in your hands to make people want to do business with you. It is in your hands to make the world worship at your feet. These things don’t happen overnight. They require many weeks, months and sometimes years of consistent hard work and labour. Whatever is not a product of sincere labour, will not last.

Ruyi's World of Books and Stories

Nothing happens by chance. The more time you spend trying to push for change, the more likely you are going to win. The world reverberates around beautiful people. Don’t get exhausted being you because it is your ticket to greatness. Challenges only draw the fellow who can bend any circumstance to his favor to his goal and not away from it.

From the book The City Heroes and other
stories from the heart of Africa by Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

Spend more time on your talent and make sure you are efficient. It is a foundation on which great things are laid. It is easy to build a future around a talent. Since it is natural, you will easily flow. Push for great things by pushing yourself hard enough. No weakling has ever emerged a conqueror. If he survives to see the rising sun, he may never see the setting sun. Guard your talent jealously. If this foundation is broken, your future will be threatened. A winning mentality and a great talent are inseparable. They complement each other. If you can strike a balance, you are a winner.

          Set your eyes on the goal. It is true that miracles do happen but it is more likely going to happen to the man that is prepared. The good thing is that you do not need a certificate to develop a winning mentality. It takes discipline to be the best.  Once you are able to sustain the momentum, there are chances that you will achieve your goal.

          Many negative things do happen on the path to greatness. So don’t fear when you suffer. It is part of the process. It is an essential part of the journey. Frustration is part of your success story. Take them on board and bend any circumstance to your favor.

Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

Nothing is more rewarding like having the right attitude. In the game of life, attitude is everything. Cultivate a good attitude and it will sustain you. When there is a lifting, it is attitude that sustains it. As you know, if you want to survive public life, you must hide your imperfections. By being circumspect, you are deliberately creating a beautiful image for yourself. Your survival depends on how well you can play your role in this ever changing world.

          You suffer more significantly if you run away from your challenges. Sometimes, there are no guarantee that solving any problem will bring instant success. You just have to get the job done irrespective of where it will lead you. One thing is certain, a problem solved leaves you with wealth of experience.

          Nobody becomes great by standing aloof. You have to be involved in the process of getting the best out of your life from the start to the finish. You must be ready to sacrifice for your own good even when you are not sure of winning. The lesser you think about winning, the higher your chances of becoming a loser.

          In the game of life, failure is not final. What you must not do is to remain trapped in the corridors of hell. You can run but you cannot hide. The problems you refuse to confront will mess you up. Get yourself out of the hole and celebrate your greatness. Start today by consciously taking the right decision to fix your problems.

          One easy way to start the journey of greatness is to identify with successful people and have a winning mentality. Tag along with them and learn how they got to the top. These things don’t happen overnight. Greatness is achieved overtime. Nobody succeed in isolation. Get all the help you can. Learn from successful people. Get in touch with the light that is higher than you for help. The truth shall set you free. With the right mindset, you are set for great things.

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Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

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