Monday, April 12, 2021


 Written by Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

Your name carries too much weight. Those who want you out of the way, cannot lift you.

They will try to hurt you.

If you believe that you are a champion, you are a champion.

As the number one prophet of your life, be positive even at the jaws of defeat.

Celebrate your greatness!

Go to the best restaurant in town, buy yourself some bottles of drink and celebrate yourself.

You don't need anybody's validation to celebrate your victory.

Celebrate even when you are failing because there is nothing as dangerous as being overwhelmed.

Surviving hard times, requires the right spirit.

Treat yourself as the best.

Call yourself a god!

You can never conquer without loving yourself.


 Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

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MOTIVATIONAL TONIC: Tough Times Don't Last. Tough People Do

 Written by Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

Be brave.

Don't be scared.

When you wake up tomorrow, be brave and give thanks to God.

On my way to the bank to sort out an issue, I saw a man around Lagos State University. He stood by the road, eating sand.

Only God knows what happened to him. But I am not surprised. We are in a small world where the desire to make money overnight is paramount.

I nearly filmed him but my conscience will not let me. To me, it is an offence to hurt a fellow that is vulnerable and may not know what he is doing.

It is a wicked world. We have to be careful.

Be patient.

Don't hate yourself if you are not doing well. Stay focused and aim for the stars.

Don't take a short cut because there are no short cuts to greatness.

Wait for your time.

Work hard.

Work smartly.

Life is in phases and men are in sizes.

Wait for your time.

Most likely, your present state is someone's prayer point and prayer request.

That is life.

Tough times don't last. Tough people do.

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Omoruyi Uwuigiaren



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