Friday, May 24, 2019

LeBron James calls President Trump a ‘Bum’ and thinks Obama was the ‘best ever.’

LeBron James calls President Trump a ‘Bum’ and thinks Obama was the ‘best ever.’ His fans listen to him because he has a talent for basketball and buying huge mansions. The letter writer below, a sports journalist, tells the truth, the truth that applies to most celebrities on the left. It's a GREAT Letter to Lebron from former Houston news reporter Hal Lundgren.

January, 2019

Mr. Lebron James
The Los Angeles Lakers 
2275 E. Mariposa Ave. 
El Segundo, CA 90245

Dear Mr. James:

No one in my circles discusses French Modernist artists. That comforts me. Such a conversation would expose me as an illiterate on French Modernism, just as I am an illiterate on cooking and many other things. When I know nothing on a subject, my mouth stays closed. That's at least one difference in us. You are an economics illiterate. You prove it often. The dishonest ‘reporters’ who cover you want to be your buddy. They won't embarrass you by being honest journalists and treat your words as economics illiteracy. When you call Trump ‘a bum,’ none of them will tell you that statistics rank him as one of our best presidents for black Americans. His tax cuts and freeing us from absurd regulations have resulted in -- after only 24 months -- the lowest unemployment numbers EVER for Hispanic and black Americans, and one of the lowest numbers for women.


Remember during the Trump campaign when Obama mistakenly said, "What's Trump gonna do? Wave a magic wand? These lost manufacturing jobs aren't coming back." Just maybe manufacturing job growth depends on a president who knows what the hell he's doing as opposed to some smiling idiot who was nothing more than a community organizer. As a professional journalist, I cringe at some of Trump’s buffoonery, like repeating sentences and wearing us out with ‘great, fantastic’ and other empty adjectives. He is egotistical and bombastic. He was not my original candidate which just goes to show how wrong I was. But there’s no question his policies have helped many more minority Americans than Obama’s. It's not even close. Today, he’s working to free many black and Hispanic prisoners who, in his opinion, have been in prison too long for relatively minor offenses. 
Are you aware of that effort?

You need to look up Gross Domestic Product, adjusted for inflation, and learn what it means to everyday Americans. Learn what one GDP point means to employment, and see how Trump has kept the numbers climbing. Your  buddy Obama? In addition to being our worst foreign affairs president, and worst military commander-in-chief, his economic numbers all deserved an ‘F.’ He is our ONLY eight-year president who failed to give us at least one 3% or higher year of adjusted GDP growth. EVERY other president achieved at least one year of 4.28% or higher growth. Aided by Vietnam spending, Johnson had an 8.48 year. The best peacetime year, 7.83, belonged to Reagan. And Obama couldn't even score a 3?
Go ahead. Look it up.

You say you would talk to Obama, but not Trump? Why? Is it because you're a star basketball player, and you feel this God-given talent elevates you above speaking to the most powerful person on the face of the earth? How tragic that your ego is so misplaced. Obama had BY FAR the worst debt accumulation record of all our presidents in our history. His economic blunders added about $9 trillion to our debt. NO OTHER PRESIDENT EVEN CAME CLOSE! That's ALMOST as much indebtedness as ALL of the former POTUSes combined! This debt will fall to you, your children, and your grandchildren.

Poor families suffered most during Obama's tenure while he and his family were on VACATION, most of his time in office, on taxpayer funds! His awful job numbers forced a record number of people to receive food stamps. Black household income under Obama fell steeply as black unemployment rose. 
Oh yes, you can look that up, too. But the worst part of what Trump inherited is that Obama, like Bush and Clinton before him, thought bribes and sweet talk were the best ways to deal with North Korea. As the North Koreans neared being able to wipe out your present area of employment, Los Angeles, with a nuclear-tipped missile, Trump became the first president to stand up boldly to this rogue nation. Have you noticed North Korea, because of Trump, has stopped launching missiles over Japan? Noticed North Korea has released political prisoners? Noticed North Korea has returned the remains of U.S. Service members? Absent sturdy spines, Clinton, Bush, and Obama could not approach those major achievements.

Obama naively bribed the planet’s worst terrorist nation, Iran, with what was supposed to become a $150 billion handout, mostly in cash, and without notifying Congress. Did Obama not know many of those U.S. tax dollars would help fund Hamas and Hezbollah terrorism? Of course, he did. He just wanted to appease the masses.

Remember the $800 billion of your, and everyone else's, tax dollars in his early stimulus for ‘shovel-ready jobs?’ Most of those tax dollars went to political cronies. He handed $500 million to Solyndra, a solar company run by HIS boosters. The company soon went bankrupt. Our half-billion in tax dollars vanished with it. (And Trump can't get 5.7 billion to build a wall to keep ALL Americans safe because he is asking to do it LEGALLY with Congress' approval.)
Trump is often obnoxious, but people with courage often have that hang up. Obama always talked big, smiled a lot, then feebly stood by and did nothing. A perfect example was when Putin infringed on Ukraine and annexed Crimea. What did Obama do?
Not one damned thing! One of Obama's most cowardly moves came when he warned Assad not to cross ‘the red line’ in Syria. When Assad ignored Obama’s warning, Obama once again did nothing; which Assad knew would happen. Now please Mr. James, be honest. If this happened with Trump in charge, do you really think this action would have occurred without some retaliation? Hopefully, you're not that naive. It makes me sad that you, as someone with a national voice, would be so ignorant of economics, and also of presidential decisions. I encourage you to do more reading and thinking as you watch the nation's GDP numbers improve, and minority employment rise.

Also See:

Read about ‘Right to Try,’ which frees terminally ill people to sign a lawsuit waiver and take an experimental drug that might not be approved for many years. Democrats fought this sensible plan for years because it would cost them HUGE donations from the drug industry. In order to become at least somewhat intelligently informed, Mr. James, why don't you read about a Navy that Obama left to Trump that struggled with almost half its carrier aircraft unsafe to fly.

Read about Trump's giving the VA the right to fire any employee who neglects or abuses a patient.

Read about Trump's courage in challenging, actually demanding, NATO partners begin to pay their fair share rather than keep mooching off the U.S. You might also read the wisdom of two of the world’s brightest people, black intellectuals Dr. Thomas Sowell and Dr. Walter Williams. They have written numerous books. Sowell and Williams’ integrity, remarkable insights, and clarity of expression cause their common sense to soar off the page to readers, both Black AND white, I might add. Or, you could ignore vital Trump decisions, and remain an illiterate on both presidential achievement and economics. If you disdain knowledge, and keep calling Trump or any other U.S. president a bum (YOUR word) other people with normal intelligence might actually begin to wonder who the real bum is with a bigger mouth than Trump's!

Sincerely, Hal Lundgren

This article took some backbone to write. Every fact listed in this letter is verifiable but, alas, the people who should really read it will probably never do so, and will blindly go on thinking and believing whatever pulp news is fed to them via the liberal media, and will still vote for the so-called ‘free stuff’ until the money runs out. When reality hits them in the face, and in their pocketbook, they will wonder what the hell happened; and you can be sure they'll NEVER believe the truth and how wrong socialism is even with Venezuela a prime example at this very moment. We have fallen to a level I never believed possible in my lifetime. 
So sad!

Culled from Facebook

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Namita Sonthalia-At the Threshold of Love. A Gripping Tale About Love and Friendship Seen from an Indian Perspective. Always a Pleasure

I am an open book. My life and stories are written everyday with enthusiasm, charisma, adventure and mystery. I am a woman of words who finds solace in all of the things that are beautiful. My profession defines me as a writer, content developer, blogger and an author, but I am a dreamer! I believe that what we can think, we can achieve. I am a miracle worker! Be it a work of fiction in the form of my maiden novel, “At the Threshold of Love”, or the theoretical content creation for websites across industries that I spawn.

Ruyi: WOW! Tell us something about your new book
It’s the story of a beautiful Indian girl called Ahaana who meets a lonely man, Ronit. They fell in love and were unaware that it had happened! Would that be enough to rewrite their future? Ahaana runs an event management company called 'The Threshold of Love' with her childhood friend, Ansh. Celebrating love in the lives of her clients, she is unknown to the emotion herself. Only until business tycoon Ronit Malhotra arrived at her doorstep to get his wedding planned. At first sight, she experienced what weak knees are, but was unable to come to terms with the emotion. Soon, Ronit could not ignore Ahaana's charm and energy. When things spiral out of control, Ahaana meets the fun-loving stranger Soham at her cousin's wedding. As an arranged marriage is set between them, will true love and passion make way for the inevitable and rewrite destiny?

Ruyi: Are your books available as eBooks? How involved were you in that process? Do you read eBooks or is it paper all the way?
Yes, my book is available in the eBook format across all platforms. In today’s era, it is vital to stay placed in all the segments where you are looked for. A reader comes in all forms and if they prefer an ebook, they will get that. As a writer, I need to reach out to my readers, wherever they are! About me, my love for books goes a long way back and thus I am partial to paperback. EBooks definitely are a boon though and I have read a number of titles in that format as well.

Ruyi: Which of your book is your favorite?

I have published just one book as yet, At the Threshold of Love! With my second book down the publishing line, I still will be passionately inclined towards my first work.

Ruyi: If any of your books were made into a movie, who would you have as the leading actor?

Wow! If that happened, fifteen years ago I would say Mr. Shah Rukh Khan. But now that would be doubtful. So maybe ZacAfron or RanbirKapoor might do justice to it.

Ruyi: Do you think self publishing is the future of book publishing?

Yes, it pretty much could be. But there is a thing about traditional publishing that goes a long way.

Ruyi: What place does writing or content creation hold in your life? 

I have been writing since as early at 8 years. So it pretty much sums up the value it holds in my life.

Ruyi: That’s interesting, Namita! What is your writing process, or a typical writing day routine? 

I do not have a specific hour at which I write. If it’s professional, then I do delegate a pattern or time table to my work. But in case of my books, it entirely based on when I can be at peace within when on a journey with my protagonists.

Ruyi: What marketing techniques have been most effective for you? 

Digital marketing and simply getting the word about my book out there regularly makes a huge difference. It is important to remind the reader of the options they have that they haven’t yet explored.

Ruyi: What do you think makes a book or content sell? 

Authenticity, emotion, connection, drama, possibility and a lot of other things. It is all about how well you could create an image within the mind of the reader or how you couldn’t.

Ruyi: I quite agree with you. What's the most moving or affecting thing a reader has said to you? 

“I have developed an eternal love for Ronit” (my lead protagonist), a reader once told me.
“Books are my first love, and this book is my soul mate,” said another.

Ruyi: What are your favorite books, and why? 

“Messages in a bottle” by Nicholas Sparks, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” by Roald Dahl, “Anne and the French kiss” by Stephanie Perkins, “Many Master Many Lives” by Dr. Brian Weiss, and my forever favorite, “At the Threshold of Love” by Namita Sonthalia. I connected to these books like none other.

Ruyi: Who are your favorite authors and what do you like the most about them? 

Nicholas Sparks, Dan Brown and Dr. Brian Weiss.

Ruyi: Tell us about the works that you are currently working on and their progress.

I have just completed my second book and it’s underway towards publication.

Ruyi: What challenges do you think are faced by writers and content creators like you, and what's the worst thing about the industry according to you? 

Writing is not the challenge but the journey towards getting your book into the hands of the readers, that is. No matter what potential your book has, there are a zillion more coming out every day. Like Sir Ruskin Bond said, my country is under the threat of have too many writers and too few readers.

 Ruyi: Apart from writing, what goals do you want to achieve in life? 

I just want to stay a good human being who is remembered for living life truly and wholeheartedly.

Ruyi: What message do you want to share with budding writers and content creators? 

Read! Reading opens up windows that one never knew of. It helps you live a life apart from what already captures you. It helps you either expand your senses or take you away on a journey when all you want to do is travel! As a writer, believe in what you write and the moment it comes from your heart, it can never go wrong. Try reading your own work as many times as you can. If you don’t get bored of it, no one else will.

Meet Namita Sonthalia...

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