Sunday, June 20, 2021

Miracle, Medical Breakthroughs and the Losers By Omoruyi Uwuigiaren


Medical Breakthrough

As you believe in miracles, also have faith in medicine. Take advantage of every good thing that life has given you. One of such is medicine. It saves, gives hope and can easily restore our health. We cannot get the best out of life if we are not healthy. Stay connected to the scheme of things by staying healthy. There is a place for nearly everything under the sun. The creator of the universe will appreciate if you add value to humanity. You can only win from the position of good health. To be in good health is a miracle on its own. The earlier you realize that medicine and miracle are all God’s intervention in your life, the better for you. All you have to do is to strike a balance. At this level, sometimes it is complicated because many people do not know when it’s time to draw a line between hypocrisy and sincerity.

The Adventures of Nihu by Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

You can’t be useful to mankind if you do not completely embrace science. Mere prayers or expecting God’s divine healing when you are sick without taking the necessary steps to approach the hospital or take medications is not a sign of maturity and can sometimes be the highway to hell. When there is an accident that resulted in bruises and fractures, you don’t result to prayers. You are expected to apply First Aid and then other things can follow. As the word of God nourishes your spirit, so does herbs and medicine to your body. Doing the right thing is the basis of our existence. Medicine has become an integral part of mankind. When properly taken, the result is precise and phenomenal. God expects you to embrace what is good and then encourage others to do so. The Bible says, “…I have given every green herb for meat and it was so,” Genesis 1v30.

Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

You cannot do much from the position of weakness. You have to be at your best in order to give a satisfactory service. This means every aspect of your life has to be topnotch and this include your health. If you go about with the mindset that prayers alone can move mountain, there are chances that you will not live long. This mindset is destructive and could rob you of your place in this ever changing world. The advancement in medicine, science and technology are all ordained by God. They are to make your sojourn on the earth be stress free and eventful. “And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician, but they that are sick,” Luke 5v31.

The Bible is complete. It's the word of God

You cannot afford to be left out. Key into God’s supernatural care by embracing herbs and medicine just as you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Taking drugs when you are sick is not a sign of weakness. It only shows strength and maturity. It is wickedness and foolhardy for any preacher to take the place of a medical practitioner, especially when he is not trained in that field. Any decent preacher should know his boundaries and respect other professionals. Longevity is of God and He has given humanity medicine to prolong life. Sound doctrine is mythical. It revolves around those who are bound by it. 

The City Heroes and other stories 
from the heart of Africa by Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

Medicine in all its ramifications can help prolong your life. It is not death sentence for a preacher to be under medication when he is sick. And there is no shame if your members know that you are on drugs because you are sick. You are a mortal man. Don’t put yourself too hard and don’t put yourself under pressure. It is dangerous to paint a wrong picture of yourself to people who love you. They should know if you have any health issues and encourage your members to see the doctor when they sick. Sincerity is not weakness and will not deny you of your place in heaven. Don’t put yourself in a position that will expose you to hypocrisy and death. “Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote in thy brother’s eye,” Luke 6v42.

One sad thing about hypocritical mindset is that it easily takes root and influence people around us. People ignorantly refuse to see the doctor or take drugs when they are sick because they expect God to heal them. Some have been told that faith is all they need to have all their needs met. So even when they are terminally ill, they still think it is a bad thing to go to the hospital. This is odd.

Ruyi's World of Books and Stories

I am not saying it is wrong to believe in miracle. I believe in miracle, signs and wonders. To trust God for all your needs is scriptural. It is noteworthy to say that miracles are evidence of God’s presence and love. Miracle is a sign of God’s divinity and power. “And they departed and went through the towns preaching the gospel and healing everywhere,” Luke 9v6. Sadly, believing in miracle alone cannot give you a balanced life. You might need a miracle to get a job but it will require more than a miracle to stay on the job. As a human, you are expected to create a balance so that you can get the best out of life. Ones you cannot get this done, you are in trouble. And the chances of you ended a loser will be extremely high.

Finding the balance between miracle and medicine so that your life can be fun is one of the reasons why Christianity is a way of life. Embracing science will not take you to hell or reduce your chance of drawing strength from the realm of the supernatural. It will only enhance your life and make you potent. You have your life to live. You are expected to maximize your potential. “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth,” Genesis 1v28.

Forest of life. Herbs are medicinal

Embrace the best things so that you can live a fulfilled life. When you are sick, do not only take anointing oil, see your doctor to prescribe drugs for you. God is not an author of confusion. Medicine is miracle. You can easily escape death traps by applying physical solutions to physical problems. Meaning if you have fever, it is wrong to apply anointing oil over your head and expect the fever to disappear. Sometimes, under extreme conditions God can heal. It is no longer news that one of the keynotes of the Bible is signs and wonders, which in turn, endeared many to God. However, depending on God all of the time for healing should not take the place of standard medical care. God has given you practical things you should do to receive instant healing. One of such is seeing your doctor and taking proper medication when you are sick. God has made life easy for His people by inspiring some to produce drugs.  

Author of The City Heroes 
and other stories from
 the heart of Africa

The world is a small place. Your chance of survival will only be enhanced if you take science seriously. Take advantage of God’s blessing for the world. It will only get better for people who believe that medicine is miracle. It is the future and it starts now.

Jesus Christ said only those that are sick need a physician. This is true. If you are sick, see a doctor. Under no circumstance should a preacher take up the role of a medical doctor. No preacher is qualified to administer drugs to any sick patient whether in his church or anywhere. It is not only poor decision on his part, but equally suicidal. 

Apostle Paul, irrespective of the fact that God used him to perform miracles to the gentiles, had a doctor who was always with him everywhere he went. That doctor was Luke. Apostle Paul, in one of his letters to the church wrote: “Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas, greet you,” Colossians 4v14. Being a Christian must not stop you from looking after yourself. You are the number one prophet of your own life.

Take advantage of God’s blessing to mankind. Embracing medicine does not in any way mean you do not have faith. You are only being wise and preserving yourself for the greater glory.

If you are sick, go to the hospital. Your pastor is not a doctor. The church is not a hospital. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying miracles are not real. Miracles are potent if properly deployed. Also, medicine is potent if properly deployed.

Medicine is God's advanced miracle in an ever changing world. Embrace medicine and live long. Don't use anointing oil when all that is required is to see a doctor.







Omoruyi Uwuigiaren


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Thursday, June 17, 2021

MOTIVATIONAL TONIC: The Greatest of all Time By Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

Nobody conquers the world alone. You are expected to fit into a system before you can considerably effect any change. If you don’t fit in nicely, there are chances that you may never make it. A winner is the fellow that carefully engages every necessary tool at his disposal to achieve extra ordinary things. A star is born only when he does what is right and not what he likes.

Nothing happens by chance. The more time you spend trying to push for change, the more likely you are going to win. The world reverberates around beautiful people. Don’t get exhausted being you because it is your ticket to greatness. Challenges only draw the fellow who can bend any circumstance to his favor to his goal and not away from it.

Spend more time on your talent and make sure you are efficient. It is a foundation to which great things are laid. It is easy to build a future around a talent. Since it is natural, you will easily flow. Push for great things by pushing yourself hard enough. No weakling has ever emerged a conqueror. If he survives to see the rising sun, he may never see the setting sun. Guard your talent jealously. If this foundation is broken, your future will be threatened.

          Set your eyes on the goal. It is true that miracles do happen but it is more likely going to happen to the man that is prepared. The good thing is that you do not need a certificate to develop a winning mentality. It takes discipline to be the best.  Once you are able to sustain the momentum, there are chances that you will achieve your goal.

          Many negative things do happen on the path to greatness. So don’t fear when you suffer. It is part of the process. It is an essential part of the journey. Frustration is part of your success story. Take them on board and bend any circumstance to your favor.

Nothing is more rewarding like having the right attitude. In the game of life, attitude is everything. Cultivate a good attitude and it will sustain you. When there is a lifting, it is attitude that sustains it. As you know, if you want to survive public life, you must hide your imperfections. By being circumspect, you are deliberately creating a beautiful image for yourself. Your survival depends on how well you can play your role in this ever changing world.

          You suffer more significantly if you run away from your challenges. Sometimes, there are no guarantee that solving any problem will bring instant success. You just have to get the job done irrespective of where it will lead you. One thing is certain, a problem solved leaves you with wealth of experience.

          Nobody becomes great by standing aloof. You have to be involved in the process of getting the best out of your life from the start to the finish. You must be ready to sacrifice for your own good even when you are not sure of winning. The lesser you think about winning, the higher your chances of becoming a loser.

          In the game of life, failure is not final. What you must not do is to remain trapped in the corridors of hell. You can run but you cannot hide. The problems you refuse to confront will mess you up. Get yourself out of the hole and celebrate your greatness. Start today by consciously taking the right decision to fix your problems.

          One easy way to start the journey of greatness is to identify with successful people. Tag along with them and learn how they got to the top. These things don’t happen overnight. Greatness is achieved overtime. Nobody succeed in isolation. Get all the help you can. Learn from successful people. Get in touch with the light that is higher than you for help. The truth shall set you free.


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