Showing posts with label RELIGION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RELIGION. Show all posts

Thursday, April 30, 2020

WORLD RELIGIONS: Mercantilists Methodologies or Deus Desiderata?

By Adeniyi Kunnu
Twitter: @mautin777

No matter what anyone says, until we search ourselves and question certain things, the 'Light of God ' will elude many, especially as Individuals. I believe in the Almighty God, but when those who claim to have a relationship with God turn out to be those who keep their flock in bondage and impoverish them, or Stoke the embers of hatred and religious supremacy, then it simply consolidates what colonialism achieved and still does in these times.
All religions are culpable...for the importance of knowledge; there are 2.3 billion Christians in the world, making it 29% of over 7.8 billion people across the globe - many of whom are in Europe, the USA even Africa. Sadly however, many of these nations were the colonist nations, which continue to impoverish Africa and other developing nations of the world. What then is the correlation between their professed faiths and the lives they live as well their relationship with others nations?
First is the unending racism against but not limited to Africans and those of their ancestry. The forced abortions and termination of lives disguised as health policies; calculated sterilizations of women in Africa, South Korea and India; the lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, support for rebels in Libya, incursion into Syria and many atrocities, yet, these are predominantly Christian nations.
Islam comes second after Christianity as the most followed religion in the world. There are 1.9 billion Muslims the world over, accounting for 24% of the world population. The irony also is, how do we explain the evils of ISIS, ISIL, Boko Haram, ISWAP, and of course the intolerance that we have seen emanate from the civilian population of Northern Nigeria, Pakistan and some other places.
Not to forget that Arabs were part of the Slave Trade, and still trade in human beings, having supplied a lot of slaves to the traders in the West and treating non-Arabs as less humans, yet many of them claim to be Muslims.
Agnostics and Atheists are third in rank with respect to religious affiliation, numbering 1.1 billion and accounting for 14% of world population. The question many people are not asking us that, why do we have the rising number of atheist?
Many who are agnostics or atheists who feel there is no God must have had significant turn around in their lives at some point, and perhaps interrogating their non-conformist stance will give a balanced perspective as to why they feel religion could be a product of 'deceitful and subservient machinations'
Can we reconcile the profession of religion and unending and pervasive injustice? What about the deaths of innocent children, men and women in wars they never started, among many other pains suffered by those who never should have been involved in these killings in the first place.
Following closely in 4th are Hindu worshippers, who live predominantly in India, numbering up to 1.1 billion and also 14% of world population.
Buddhists are in 5th position, with a percentage of 6% and over 506 million devotees. The Chinese Traditional Religion follows closely in 6th, with over 394 million adherents, making it 5% of the world population religion wise.
Looking at the incidences of fake drugs from India and substandard good from China, one is left to ask the question, what these religions teach these people, who manufacture 'fakes' that often lead to the jeopardy of human lives without the humanity and honesty expected of them.
The Chinese especially are reputed for various levels of racketeering, especially their operations in Africa and Nigeria particularly, whilst also not absolving India whose caste system is the sustenance of slavery in their country and other developing nations where they operate.
When we put atrocities committed against fellow human beings on one side, and we look at the perpetrators of these crimes on the other side, it simply becomes obviously alarming, that many who profess devotion to many of these faiths are at the fore of these crimes committed.
What we all need therefore, especially in Africa is the rediscovery of our HUMANITY...what the Almighty God has made us for is to see the next man as oneself, as well as other things he has created, which includes animals and plants.
When we learn to appreciate and treat the next man as we would want to be treated, the evils that seem not to be abating will be choked off.  
After all, who needs any religion when God is more than enough?
Let us make the reverence and honour of the man we see, the only true and acceptable religion to make our motherland and the world a place worth living.
The hypocrisies of world religions must be sieved off, because history already shows how religions have been used to oppress, deceive, maim, destroy, ravage, impoverish, enslave and annihilate a group of people in favour of faith-preneurs and their evolving political allies.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Book Review: The Promised Land

In this short story, THE PROMISED LAND, author Omoruyi Uwuigiaren discusses Moses and how he disappointed God by not following His will.

God also explains to Moses what he did that made him angry. He says it’s normal to get angry, but it’s wrong if you can’t control that anger. Something for each of us to think about, when we are about to lose our temper, perhaps.

In each of the chapters, God talks to Moses. THE PROMISED LAND is a reminder to the reader, in very specific words, of how much God loves us. And, in spite of our doing things that anger God, He takes us home to Heaven when it’s our time. To me, that shows His love. What do you think?

This story would make a nice addition to your home library. It would be good to read every now and then, especially when you need encouragement of how God is always with us, in good times and in bad.

·         Release Date: February 17, 2019
·         ISBN: 9781386895091
·         Language: English
·         Download options: EPUB 2 (DRM-Free)

Omoruyi Uwuigiaren is a Nigerian who writes middle grade adventure fiction and picture books. Some of his books include: The Adventures of Nihu, the City Heroes and other stories from the heart of Africa, the Mystery of Taiwo Da Silva, the Promised Land, Jane the Good Girl, Shadows in a River, the Little Okon and the Outside World, Giant in a Hut and the Little King.
Ruyi is the founder of Ruyi's World of Books and Stories. His literary works and short stories have appeared on Moronic Ox Literary and Cultural Journal, Town Crier Times, the Story of a Writer, Qwerty Thoughts, the Guardian, and the Vanguard Newspapers.

Happy Reading.

Meet the Reviewer...

Beverly Stowe McClure
Most of the times you'll find Beverly in front of the computer, writing stories young voices whisper in her ear. Other times she's snapping pictures of wildlife, clouds, and flowers. She has fifteen books published for children and teens, some of them award winners, like the Children's Literary Classics, Sharp Writ Awards, and Next Generation Indie Awards, as well as others. 

To relax she plays the piano. Her kitties don't appreciate good music and hide when she tickles the ivories. 

She hopes you enjoy her novels and picture books.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

God Rules in the Affairs of Men by Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

I was at a restaurant last night to eat barbecue and enjoy the beautiful earth. Something strange happened. I told the guy in charge to serve me in a corner outside of the popular spot.

The place was booming, there was music in the air, the atmosphere was great, and they were handing out gift items to their good customers of which I was one. But I was not interested in the gift or the music that a man was expected to dance to. I could hardly maneuver myself and there was no better time than this to rest my good soul. I wanted some privacy. I wanted to be away from the noise. I wanted to be alone.

So the man served the barbecue as I had requested outside of the restaurant. As I quietly enjoyed the beautiful earth under the watchful eyes of the starry sky, one of the waiters approached me. Dark and lanky, cold and strange, the waiter flashed an exaggerated smile at me and said, "Sir, come in and have your gift. We have something special for everyone."

Chewing quietly, I glanced up at him and replied, "I'm okay here. Don't worry about me."

"Okay sir," he bowed himself gently. “That’s fine.” He turned and walked into the restaurant.

The night was good. Everything happened very fast. After I had prevailed upon the meal and there was nothing of substance left on the plate, I rose to my feet, adjusted my body and walked away from the restaurant.

I was to do a shift at the office. Immediately I left the scene, armed robbers struck. Nine heavily built men armed to the teeth hit the restaurant with a dreadful sting. They robbed everyone. Those who tried to resist the assailants were left with injuries. One man in particular had an empty bottle of beer shattered on his head. The attack left a very deep cut on his head.

I heard gunshots as I drifted away but I thought they were fired by the policemen that usually visit the area.

It was a long night. God did not tell me that such will occur. If I had known, I would not have visited at all. He allowed of this to happen so that I will know that He ordered my step. 
Wicked Comic's Interview

If I had listened to the waiter and walked into the restaurant, I wonder what would have been my fate. To cut the long story short, God rules in the affairs of men.

Ghost of Dalmos


Saturday, November 3, 2018

No Church has Monopoly of God, by Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

Some people think that if Pastor E. A. Adeboye does not preach or lay his hands on them, their prayers will never be answered. Oh! It must be Bishop David Oyedepo or else God is not there! If W.F. Kumuyi does not preach holiness, no other person is fit to do so. But that is not Christianity because God is everywhere. Nobody has monopoly of God. The same God that healed the sick at the Holy Ghost Congress of The Redeemed Christian Church of God is the same God that used a member of a catholic church to pay the hospital bills of a sick woman. God is a miracle worker. God is not a man. He works in mysterious ways. You don’t have to belong to a particular denomination before He will reach out to you…
Against all odds, she had triplet. The family was happy until one sad morning when her husband left for work and never came back. All efforts to reach him met a brick wall. A few weeks later, he called his wife and told her that he had moved on. She is free to do whatever she likes with the kids. Sad that her lover and husband had left her with a mountain to climb, she was crushed by the cruel hands of fate. She went through the storm to raise the kids. When life is harsh, it is hard to survive. More pains and more horror enveloped the woman and her children. Sometimes, people die of tough times. Poverty kills!

While she tried to keep the kids happy and put food on the table, she took ill and was rushed to the hospital. Doctors diagnosed her. The poor woman was down with “institutional hernia” and “appendicitis”.
As her mother battled to stay alive, one of the triplets rushed to her local church (The Redeemed Christian Church of God). She met the pastor and narrated the family’s ordeal to him. The pastor and his wife looked at the poor soul and told her “IT IS WELL”. And she left the church empty handed and psychologically destroyed.

If I may ask: Why establish churches everywhere if you cannot give back to the society? According to the book of Acts, the gathering of saints is not only to meet spiritual needs. The church is also expected to feed the hungry, provide medicine and if possible provide shelter.

The idea that a church must focus on preaching the WORD of God is wrong. Jesus Christ healed the sick and also fed people in their thousands. The church finance is not entirely for the pastor. Acts 4: 41-47.
The Redeemed Christian Church never gave a dim to the triplet and the mother. People pay tithe and offering to the church, why deny them in their time of need? You don’t need to be a member of a church before the church can help you if you are genuinely in need. There are churches that look at your tithe card and financial contribution to the church before they can offer any assistance. That is absurd. However, God used some good Samaritans from a Catholic church to pay the hospital bills.

The work of God does not start and end once you can command fire to come down from heaven. God is interested in the man who can lift humanity. Some people don’t know that helping humanity is also working for God. They think the work of God starts and ends on the pulpit.

God loves a cheerful giver.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Buhari, Palestine and Israel by Rexkennedy Saltlove.

As world leaders converge in the 72nd United Nations General Assembly, it afforded them the golden opportunity to speak their mind and convictions on burning issues, without the watering down of their words through diplomatic channels.
America and Israel as several other leaders spoke with passion about their Nation and her interests. And warn against any threats to their nations and nationhood. Strong messages were sent to North Korean as "rogue regime" and Iran as a global threat in an unequivocal term.
Buhari or Jubrin, was reading an unevocative academic write-up shouting "ISLAM is my religion, I will pursue it to the detriment of my Nation's interests" by canvassing for Palestinian State and persecution of Rohygan Muslims in Myanmar, while neglecting his human rights abuse and myopic dictatorial rule and the recession he engineered the nation into.

For the Discerning and mature Christians, it is of note that his support for a Palestinian state is a strong statement that he supports a people whose ONLY one goal is to see to the destruction of Israel as a nation and deny them their promised inheritance.

This is a man and government, gullible Christians who like visiting Israel, to add JP to their titles and claims root of their faith and want Abraham's blessings and God's miraculous deliverance of Israel to happen to them, openly canvassed and voted for, with an advance warning from Bosun and most of us.

God was using us to cry like John the baptizer in this "wilderness" called Nigeria to warn against Buhari, in particular, ascending this office. God was depending on the Christians and its leaders in Nigeria to stand up at a most critical time in end time calendar and agenda and stop the fury of hell that this man epitomises.

Now it is evident that Buhari is one agent of Satan prepared from the pit of hell to stand against God's people and his eternal plan for them. This shall fail.

God shall use the bases of each Nation relationship with Israel to judge nations-their leader and its people who played an active role in that leadership.

This is the #sacredtruth.

I am Rexkennedy Saltlove. I have priestly and royal blood flowing from mine ancestry and double assured of it as a royal priesthood in Christ. I have legal rights to offer sacrifices and make a royal decree. For where the word of a king is, there is power. To this end was I born and created: to stand on the side of God and eternal biblical Truth. I do not fear or care what mortal man can do either from the political or religious circle.

I decree as heavens regent, he that touches me while in mine divine mandate over the affairs of this Nation and God's eternal agenda as a watchman, shall pay with his/her life as Judas and his bishopric or office another shall take.


Once again, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) is compelled to raise a petition and protest against the unrelenting plan of the Federal Government of Nigeria to introduce Islamic financing into a secular state in violation of Section 10 of the Constitution.

According to this section of the Constitution, the Nigerian State is Secular and Government is expected to be neutral on issues involving religion. By promoting a sectional religious financial policy, the Government is violating both the spirit and the letter of Section 10 of the Constitution.

The Christian Association of Nigeria has been protesting against this aberration since the Osun State Government, under Governor Rafiu Aregbesola embarked on this violation of the Constitution. Rather than stand in the defense of the Constitution, it is disappointing to note that the Federal Government, is pursuing what is outrightly a confirmation of an Islamization Agenda.

The recent floating of Sukkuk Bond by the Federal Government is not only sectional but illegal and a violation of the Constitution. Every law that has been promulgated to back the Sukkuk issuance and promote an Islamic banking system in Nigeria is ultra vires, illegal, null and void.

Islamic finance is financing which conforms to the doctrines of the Islamic law known as “Shari’a”. The sources of Shari’a (in hierarchical order) are as follows:

(1). The Qur’an 
(2). Sunna (the teachings and practices of The Prophet Muhammad) 
(3). Ijtihad and Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence).

There has never been a time that Nigerians held a Referendum or convened a Constituent Assembly that passed a resolution that the nation has transmuted into an Islamic State.

Therefore, the manipulations and scheming to smuggle the country into a full-blown Islamic state should stop. These manipulations became apparent with the smuggling of Nigeria into OIC in 1986, by the Ibrahim Babangida Military junta.


Our objections to the Sukkuk Bond and all forms of Islamic financing are as follows:

1. Funds raised under Sukkuk MUST be used for Shariah-compliant (halal) activities. Nigeria is not a Sharia-compliant nation, it is a Democratic country. Nigeria cannot operate two National Ideologies.

2. The Sukkuk shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as well as the Islamic Law of Mu’amalatmaliyyah. We insist that there cannot be two laws for one nation.

3. Sukkuk is ASSET BASED banking system, unlike the conventional banking that is ASSET-BACKED. While under the conventional banking system, the borrower provides collateral to back the loan and retrieves his asset after the loan is redeemed, under Sukkuk, the loan is based on an asset which is land and irredeemable. The Sukkuk holder (lender) accepts land as an asset on which the loan is based. At no time does the title pass to the customer, nor is it expected to pass. If the customer wishes to retrieve his asset at a later date, a separate agreement has to be drawn up. This, in our view, is a sly and treacherous attempt to sell Nigeria to Arab Islamic Nations. It infringes on the sovereignty of Nigeria as the loan giver becomes part owner of the land of the receiver.

4. The operation of Sukkuk is based on Islamic value system and Sharia Jurisprudence. This makes Sukkuk unconstitutional.

5. The IMF says that the issuance of Sukkuk by non-Islamic states/countries is a breach of the religious neutrality of the government of such state.


The Federal Government must dismantle all legal and institutional framework established to promote Islamic Financing in Nigeria. 

The NEW RULES/AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, Section 313(6) of the Investments and Securities Act 2007, and all other forms of law guiding operation of Sukkuk issuance in Nigeria should be repealed, forthwith.

In the alternative, legal redress will be sought to defend the Sovereignty and territorial integrity of Nigeria if the National Assembly failed to checkmate the Executive on this unconstitutional action.

We affirm that the territorial integrity of Nigeria is undermined through the issuance of Sukkuk in the country. We hope that the Federal Government shall desist in its policies of unbridled religious sectionalism.

We seek your support and assistance in making this CAN position known to the whole world.

Thank you.


Rev. Dr. Musa Asake, General Secretary, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN)
19th September 2017

Monday, August 7, 2017

Sonship---Are You of God or Man by Rexkennedy Saltlove.

Matthew 3:17 English Standard Version (ESV):
And behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”

"He was still speaking when behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” - Matthew 17:5

As said in the maiden edition of this series: "children are born. Sons are given," Isaiah 9:6.
God's earnest desire is that we grow to be sons, know whom we are to Him so He can present us to the world Himself.  And then we can exercise Kingdom authority with discretionary powers to bring His Kingdom's will on earth or the territories we reside.

The presenting of son are backed up by the command: 'Listen to him!"

Even without the command, the authority of the one doing the presentation suffices in determining the degree of power to be wielded by the son (Person) presented.

It means, "This person is an authority to speak on my behalf with regards to issues pertaining to me in any capacity." God's command that son is listened to, is fundamental here. Nature, things, and issue that surround us need a commanding voice to obey.

This was the first temptation of Satan to Jesus. He said: "Command These stones..."

"The earnest expectations of creation waiteth for the manifestation of the Son of God."

As Jesus went about carrying out his ministry on earth, the majority of His good works were centered around COMMANDS.

Check out the miraculous that surrounds Jesus ministry:


the storm

the raising of the dead

the demoniac etc

The seven sons of Sceva, though not of God tried to COMMAND a possessed girl in the name of the Lord that Paul preaches and they were attacked because sonship authority is not exercised through the third party. That is why Gehazi could not do anything with Elijah's staff in his hand. But in Luke 10, there was a clear commanding authority to heal the sick and cast out demons!

The disciples/apostles could not cast out demons until they were presented into the realm of the son and empowered. You have to be led by God to perform. Without God's leading, ministering will be misleading.

Compare the incidence surrounding the two verses:

 "Why could we not cast it out?" Matthew 17:9.


"Lord even the demons are subjected to us," Luke 10:17.

Our greatest undoing in Christianity today is too many people who are babes want to talk and exercise the sonship authority. We think it comes from how long we've been in Christianity or by the circle of "fathers" we are close to.

Jesus was led into the wilderness. His coming to Jordan for baptism was already told John the Baptist that he would know the son by the descending of a dove on him.

Are you of God or Man?

Monday, July 31, 2017

Prayer of Giants by Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

Prayer is a cordial and orderly interaction between a man and his Creator. You are at liberty to discuss whatever you feel is urgent or important with God during the exchange. As you grow in this dialogue, your friendship with God grows. You can only interact with God for your own good and benefit. The lesser you communicate with God, the farther you get from His divine supply. Men who tag along with God are larger than life. 
God earnestly desires to talk to us and spend time with us through prayers. When we come to the Lord we can be certain that he is not reluctant to help us, but He is ever ready to bless us. Luke 11 verses 9-10: “So I say unto: Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
In this process, one pours out his mind expectantly and with the assurance that God is listening. God approves by granting our requests and disapproves by turning away. God not answering our prayers at a particular time does not mean we are no longer in His plans. Most times the result we get during prayers is determined by God’s plan for us. He answers our prayers base on what is best for us. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end,” Jeremiah 29:11.
God is larger than life. He has the capacity to grant our request at the speed of light. “Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established,” Proverbs 16v3. Yes, a straightforward answer. Without any delay. Nothing more, and nothing less. 
         With God’s nature in man, we are almost independent of how we pray and what we want God to do for us. When we appear before God to pray, we are expected to express our feelings, weakness, strength and even doubts. You have leverage when you present yourself humble before God. Communicating from that low esteem makes Him feel fatherly and creates an atmosphere of miracles. 
        Involving God  is all you need to have all your needs met. For instance, the resurrection of Lazarus who had died in the book of John 11 v 1-45 was a reflection of how we should present ourselves before God. Jesus Christ did not present Himself as a conqueror or an equal before God even though He said “my Father and I are one”. He appeared at the scene like every man who was in need. The Bible said He even wept after the people showed Him the tomb where the body of Lazarus was kept. Prayers from a humble man are of great effect. He looked to the heavens and honored God and the rest was history. If you need miracles, approach God from the table of humility.
           You cannot keep God a distance in your life and expect heaven to react for your sake. Heaven’s reaction to your call is determined by the level of your relationship with the forces in heaven. In the realm of prayers, nothing happens by chance. They are planned. So plan your prayers before you appear before God. Don’t pray because it is mandatory to do so. Pray because you need an answer.


Monday, July 17, 2017


We live in the AGE OF SELF. And SELF IS KING.
Seemingly, everything in the world today is responding and gravitating towards the GOD OF SELF.

Unfortunately, unscrupulous men at the helm of affairs in the church are also dragging the church down this ignoble path – the path that loves SELF and promotes SELF.

 The contrast between ‘what the church ought to be’ and ‘what she is becoming’ is truly alarming. And it is hinged on a simple spiritual truth – the Gospel of Christ is UNRELENTING AND UNYIELDING in its opposition to SELF, and to everything that SELF represents. For at the centre of the Gospel of Christ is the CROSS OF CHRIST. And the function of the cross is to CROSS OUT SELF.
Jesus Himself put the CROSS at the centre, making it an ABSOLUTE CONDITION FOR FOLLOWING HIM. “And he said to them all, if any man will come after me, let him deny himSELF, AND TAKE UP HIS CROSS DAILY, and follow me.” (Luke 9:23). On another occasion, He reiterated the same point in this stark manner, “And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, CANNOT BE MY DISCIPLE” (Luke 14:23). It is as critical as that.

Therefore, every man MUST choose to either follow the Gospel of Christ, or follow SELF – there is no middle course. This reality faces all men in the world, just as it faces all men in the church. And in making this choice, there is no doubt about where mankind prefers to pitch its tent. This should not come as a surprise to us, because the Bible has already prophesied that in the Last Days men will be LOVERS OF SELF (2 Timothy 3:1-2).

This is why the church system of today is becoming more and more focussed on satisfying and gratifying the SELF of her members. You hear words like:
“God will make YOU happy!”
“God will make YOU rich!”
 “God will put YOU ahead of everybody else!”
 “God will kill all the enemies that stand in the way of YOUR breakthrough!”
“Don’t worry, God has forgiven all YOUR sins – even before you commit them!” etc. 

Thus, church has become all about YOU!!!!

In this era, barely would you see churches that constantly affirm THE REALITY OF THE CROSS - as almost every single book of the New Testament does. That is, the suffering that the cross imposes on a believer. The pain of the cross. The shame of the cross. The separation of the cross. The loss that the cross precipitates and so on. All these crucial, integral elements of the Christian faith have been largely slaughtered on the altar of SELF – and, in exchange, we now have a ‘do-as-YOU-like’ Gospel of convenience. A ‘talk-as-YOU-like’ Gospel. A ‘dress-as-YOU-like’ Gospel.

In these days, believers no longer want to die in order to live as Jesus Christ prescribes in John12:24-25, Matthew 10:39, and similar passages. Today, believers want to live so that they will not have to die. That’s the irony of the Christian faith in the days we live in.

In the midst of all this unfolding spiritual disaster, anyman that genuinely wants to follow Jesus Christ would really need to RADICALLY turn his back on the church system of today, for it is designed to make believers lukewarm. Such a man must desire an earnest return to Jesus Christ Himself. A return to the cross. A return to the lonely, narrow path that Jesus told us would eventually lead us to life (Matthew 7:14).

In its raw form, this message will NOT resonate in the church today. For the Bible tells us that in the Last Days, many will NOT want to endure sound doctrines. Rather, 2 Timothy 3:3-4 helps us to understand that ‘AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS’ they’ll look for preachers that will tell them what THEY want to hear. SELF, SELF, SELF again. This strange spirit of SELF is dulling the ears of believers, preventing them from hearing the last warning before the curtain falls – the gentle knock of Jesus on the door of the hearts of all that still have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches (Revelation 3:20).

Friends, please DON’T BLEND IN! Stand out! Stand with Christ. For the time is getting shorter daily. And His heart of love awaits every pilgrim that TRULY wants to get back Home safely.

Thanks for reading. God bless you.

SONSHIP... The Goal! by Rexkennedy Saltlove

"But I say that so long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a bondservant, though he is lord of all" - Galatians 4:1
The Christian faith is the most interesting and challenging in man-to-God, God-to-man relationship. It evolves and grows.
Accepting Jesus Christ as your saviour and lord does not AUTOMATICALLY, confer on any Christian the sonship status. It ONLY gives you the Power to become the child of God. - John 1:12 and this the Spirit of God can testify to:
Romans 8:16
Children have their nuances, and God expect you to exhibit them, but does not want you to remain there.
"When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things." 1 Cor.13:11
Some characteristics of childishness are:
"Desire the 'milk' (ABC) of God's word" - 1 Peter 2:2
"Being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrines" - Eph.4:14
"Unskilled in biblical understanding and interpretations" - Heb. 5:13
As long as we remain in this states we can never enjoy the full benefits of Christian relationship in Christ Jesus. God wants us to grow up and be sons.
Natures of Sons:

"Though he was a son, he learnt obedience by the things he suffered" Heb. 5:8
"We are 'co-heirs' or 'joint-heirs' by our suffering with him - Romans 8:17
"Sons are given" - Isaiah 9:6. The reason is because they are gotten through processes of "sufferings". They are not produce by having ability to quote biblical verses or how long I have being a Christian stuff.
They are given or presented (shown) to the world for passing through the process y.
"THIS IS my beloved son" Matthew 3:17; 17:5
Sons are entrusted with Governance ability to enforce God's will on earth.
"The government shall be upon his shoulders" Isaiah 9:6
Sons have COMMANDING powers:
"IF you are the son of God, COMMAND..." Matt.4:3; Luke 4:3
Sons don't tempt fate in God's house and presence:
"IF you are the son of God, jump down from here" - Matt. 4:5-7
Sons do not look for shortcut to fame, glory, wealth and popularity:
"IF you are the son of God, bow and I will give you all the glory of the world" - Matthew 4:8-9
In summary, sons don't take suggestions and instructions from the enemy's camp or mouth.
Sons are produced through sufferings and "ye have not yet resisted temptation (sin) to the shedding of blood"
Extract from my upcoming book. SON-SHIP INHERITANCE.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Breaking Barriers by Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

Barrier can be spiritual or physical. Whatever it may be, it hinders anyone from reaching a set goal. This significantly shut doors of opportunity. Remaining in bondage is inevitable if there is no liberation. “Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches. In these lay a great multitude of impotent folks, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water.” (John 5: 2-3). 

It is good to be in control and be free from every device of the enemy. To be liberated, you must scale every height and establish a healthy relationship with God. “Come and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool,” (Isaiah 1:18). 

Barriers only manifest when we turn away from God and embrace Satan. The works of Satan are numerous. Anyone who manifests them is lost (Galatians 5:19-21). However, evil covenants, unfulfilled vows and curses are enough to make a man taste misfortune all the rest of his life. The story of the inhabitants of Gibeon in the book of Joshua was frustrating. For fear of getting killed, they made a covenant to become servants. (Joshua 9:1-27)

You cannot have such a mentality and enjoy your life. The best you will become is a poor soul living at the mercy of others. It is God’s will that all men be saved. But for your life to be crisis free, you must be hindrance free. Only genuine connectivity to God can send your enemies to blazes. “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all,” (Psalms 34:19).

Have you got the message? Will you confess and forsake your sins right now and give your life to Jesus Christ? Ask God to forgive you. There is hope for someone like you!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Outpouring Anointing by Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

The anointing that breaks any yoke only exists in Jesus Christ. “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light,” (Matthew 11: 28-30.)

 The days are evil and you cannot afford to be stranded. Life is good. Only people who have received God’s touch can manifest great things. Remember what transpired in the house of Jesse? (1 Samuel 16:1-13) The story means that God respects no one and His anointing can take anybody to an enviable height. You don’t have to be a Pastor, Evangelist or an Apostle to be highly anointed. What God only demands from you is a pure heart. “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God,” (Matthew 5:8). You cannot be secured without the anointing.

The moment David was anointed, he received a lifting that changed everything about his life. The shepherd boy moved from the forest to the palace! “And Saul sent to Jesse, saying, Let David, I pray thee, stand before me; for he hath found favour in my sight,” (1 Samuel 6:22). 

God’s presence takes away the struggle and gives you an open door that no power can shut. We are now in the era of the spirit. You must rule in the spirit to gain command. Do not be deceived. God is not looking for people who are qualified. He is looking for people He will qualify. And if you make yourself available, you will be the next big thing! God needs you to lead the revival. But you must have a big heart to qualify for the anointing. “Yea, doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the lost of all things and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,” (Phil 3:8).

 The world is a stage. Anybody can get on the stage but it takes people who are extraordinary to remain there! The only time you cannot be eased out is if you are relevant. And that is why God needs you. He wants to make a champion out of you now! Anointing is spiritual. You cannot encounter it on the wheels of carnality. All you need at this point is to identify with God and be saved. Turn a new leaf and give God a chance to work with you. Stay blessed.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Dark Days by Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

Do you know that God respects no man? If you sin, you will sink! Humans naturally reflect their world. So your actions are the product of what is in you. Evil has crept into the world. Only people that identify with Jesus Christ will swim to safety on the last day. "The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runs into it and is safe" (Proverbs 18v10).

For you to enjoy your place in eternity, you must embrace righteousness. Anything short of this is a highway to hell. "Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people" (Proverbs14v34). We have stepped into dark days; the era that Jesus Christ prophesied about over two thousand years ago. He said and I quote, "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying I am the Christ; and shall deceive many. Any ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, see that ye be not troubled. For all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrow" (Matthew 24v8-14).

You cannot sit on the fence. You either swim with Jesus or sink with Satan. Remember that if you are a friend of the world, you are God's enemy(James 4v4). If you don't embrace godliness, you will breed worldliness.My Friend, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God(Hebrew10v31). Whether you believe it or not, Satan hunts for your soul everyday(1Peter 5v8).

Do you know that people die on daily basis and as you are reading this piece that someone had just kicked the bucket? No matter how powerful you are, you are not in total control of your life. You can only be secured if Jesus Christ is in your boat. "He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadows of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust (Psalm 91v1-2).
Surrender to Jesus today. Tomorrow may be too late.


  Queen Abigail QUEEN ABIGAIL By  Omoruyi Uwuigiaren With a little help, most of life’s curses can be a gift. There was trouble in the pal...