Tell us something about yourself, where you are based, and how you came to be a
OP: I live out in the
sticks, off the beaten track near Sheridan, Wyoming. It’s a sanctuary for me
after having been born in New York City, having lived in London for years, and
having reached a point in my life where the noise and stimulation was
disconnecting me from who I truly am - a recluse. However, as I moved to
different locations, I always stayed close to my typewriter and wrote for the
sheer joy of it. Although I no longer use a typewriter to create my work, I am
forever captivated by the writing process, which has been a part of who I am
since childhood.
Tell us something about the books/contents that you have written or created and
the story behind them.
OP: I have written several books - but the
characters in the books that currently remain unpublished have yet to give me
permission to bring those books to the light of day. I will share, however, the
story behind my first published work, Beyondthe Father. The first of 8 books in the “gods on Trial series,” Beyond the Father is a story that
captures the memories of a precious population known as the Xżyberians. I
regard them as precious because my conversions with them, and my ability to see
them, have been both an honor and a gift. While I know that most people who
dwell on earth will be uncomfortable with this answer, and will be inclined to
believe that we are the only life forms in this infinitely vast universe, I
must still be forthright about the origin of this book series. The Xżyberians
chose me to tell their story, and I am humbled to have been selected.

Are your books available as eBooks? How involved were you in that process? Do
you read eBooks or is it paper all the way?
enjoy both eBooks and physical copies. The format does not change the
experience for me if the work is written well. Beyond the Father is available on eBook, and the delivery of
that format was handled entirely by my publisher. They will be releasing a
paperback version of Beyond the Father in early December 2022.
Which of your book is your favorite?
OP: Among the
stories I have written, I have no favorites. They
are all equally important to me.
If any of your books were made into a movie, who would you have as the leading
OP: There is one
character, Anglid, which readers
have told me they see as the main character of Beyond the Father. However, as the author, I am ultimately
positioning the book series to have a main character in the physical world and
one in the spiritual world. It would indeed be interesting to see how a film
director would capture the image of Flexix,
the god in Book 1.
Do you think self-publishing is the future of book publishing?
OP: I think self-publishing
has changed with the advent of the internet and smart phones, since publishing
knowledge is no longer closely centralized. For authors who can traverse the
demands that self-publishing requires, there are no barriers to entry. It’s a
wonderful time to self-publish your manuscripts, if you have the time and
resources to leverage all of the opportunities that self-publishing can offer.
However, while self-publishing has earned a strong position in the way books
reach readers, traditional publishing will continue to offer its own key
benefits to authors who choose that option.
What place does writing or content creation hold in your life?
OP: It’s
everything. It’s all - and COMPLETELY- who I am.
What is your writing process or a typical writing day routine?
OP: A typical
writing day entails isolating myself from as many external sounds and
distractions as possible. I am pretty easily distracted, and cannot write with
music playing, the radio or TV on, or other noises. However, as long as it’s
quiet and the moment feels still enough, I am able to develop my stories with
the depth and crafting I feel they deserve.
What marketing techniques have been most effective for you?
OP: My publisher
has gotten measurable results by forcing me to open a Goodreads account- which
I wouldn’t have known to do since I am not social media savvy. They have also
used Twitter, Bookstagrams, and blog tour partnerships to expose my work to a
larger audience. There are many great marketing options out there; however,
these are the strategies that appear to be working best.
What do you think makes a book or content sell?
OP: Honesty. When
authors write from their own unique voice, honestly crafting their stories with
a style that really reflects their personal style of storytelling, then readers
will be drawn to that. There is so much vast content out there to write, and so
many wonderful ways to tell those stories. I believe that in being present in
our own skin and honoring who we truly are when we write, we are able to
produce books that people will want to read.
What is the most moving or affecting thing a reader has said to you?
OP: One reader
whom I greatly respect said that Book 1 of “gods on Trial: The Series™” would make a great
movie one day. That statement made me cry :)
What are your favorite books, and why?
OP: I will always
adore Goethe’s “The Sorrows of Young Werther” for the joyfully luscious
description of unrequited love that particular novella achieved. I was also
heavily influenced by Dostoevsky’s “Notes
From Underground” for its razor-sharp edginess, and the successful use
of magic realism in Gabriel Márquez’s “One
Hundred Years of Solitude.”
Who are your favorite authors and what do you like the most about them?
OP: For the
reasons above I adore the writings of Goethe, Dostoevsky and Márquez. As an
author, I also feel deeply drawn to Alexander Pushkin.
Tell us about the works that you are currently working on and their
OP: I am
currently heads down drafting Book 2
of “gods on Trial: The Series™” - which I am
expecting to complete by the end of 2023.
What challenges do you think are faced by writers, content creators like you,
and what is the worst thing about the industry according to you?
OP: I think the
biggest challenge when creating a novel series is making sure you don’t get
distracted and derail the direction of the work. I try not to read every single
review or every recommendation or wish list that reader’s express they want to
see in Book 2. I also try really
hard not to rush the process of completing the upcoming story just because fans
may be anxious for the release of Book 2. At the end of the
day, I ultimately want to deliver fully developed stories that pass the rigor
of getting past my own standards, and I fear I will fail if I rush the process.
Apart from writing, what goals do you want to achieve in life?
OP: I want to
learn as much as I can about what “makes the world go around” and what inspires
Ruyi: What message do you want to share with
budding writers and content creators?
OP: The most
important message I have for budding writers is to take your time. The very
best of what you will write will take more than a day, a month, or even several
years. Take your time to perfect your work. Your future dedicated readers will
ultimately thank you for it.
Where can readers find you on social media?
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